Clark Students and Families,
Welcome to Clark Intermediate, home of the Chieftains! Clark has a long-standing history of creating a safe environment where students can excel in Mind, Body and Spirit. Our staff is dedicated to teaching students grade level standards, supporting social emotional learning/development, and providing co-curricular opportunities that will prepare them for Clovis High School and post-secondary opportunities.
I would like to encourage you and your family to get involved and stay connected to Clark. Your 7th and 8th grade years are going to go by pretty quick. Students-I want to encourage you to participate in sports, clubs, visual and performing arts, lunch time activities, and academic teams. Parents-I encourage you to join the PTC, attend a SART/IDAC/SSC meeting, add Clark to your social media, read Clark emails, and reach out to the school when you have a question, comment, or concern.
I am no stranger to Clark Intermediate. In 2004, I started my teaching career as an Academic Block teacher in room B5. As a Clark teacher, I was fortunate to coach football and baseball, help lead WEB, Safe School Ambassadors and other programs. Since that time, I have served our district as a Transition Coordinator for Alternative Education, a Learning Director at Clovis West High School, and most recently the Deputy Principal at Clovis High School.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support. Together as a school/community partnership, Clark will provide the best education for your student. I am looking forward to an excellent school year. GO CLARK!
Matt Hernandez