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Clark Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Resources and Intervention

A schedule for Winter Intervention at Clark Intermediate School of Champions, listing activities, times, locations, and staff.




504- Part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination because of disability in federally funded agencies, like schools. It is CUSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulation No. 2109. If you have any questions about 504s, please contact 8th grade coordinator   or 7th grade coordinator


AVID-Advancement Via Individual Determination. If you have any questions about AVID, please check the Clovis High Area AVID Website or contact


Clovis Area Transition Program- CUSD strives to be a quality educational system providing the resources for all students to reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit. As the Transition Program, we set out to provide our students and families with instrumental, timely supports and resources, facilitating their successful navigation through the educational system and in overcoming life’s roadblocks. As the Transition Program we aim to realize this vision and set forth on this mission while reminding ourselves of CUSD’s three aims: Maximizing achievement for all students, operating with increasing efficiency & effectiveness, developing/sustaining & valuing a quality workforce. If you have any questions about the transition program, please contact


CSI (Clovis Support Intervention)- CSI Support Groups are designed for students who exhibit concerning behaviors, struggles or challenging circumstances or a crisis in their life. As a rule an isolated incident of poor or unsatisfactory performance should not be grounds for a referral. Participation in an 8 week educational support group gives students a place to discuss their concerns and support one another under the leadership and support of a trained facilitator. If you have any questions about the CSI program please contact


GATE- Gifted and Talented Education - This is a program designed to offer enrichment activities for students in grades 4-12 who have been identified as intellectually gifted or exceptionally talented in specific areas. If you have any questions about GATE, please contact


I.E.P. - Individualized Education Plan - The Individualized Education Plan is a program of study which outlines educational goals for special education students. If you have any questions about an IEP, please contact or LD Special Ed.


Peer Counseling- In the Clark Peer Counseling class students are trained in listening/communication skills. Once the training is complete, students are then available to talk with peers who request to see a Peer Counselor. During these "sessions", students are able to talk about issues they may be struggling with; i.e., family problems, academic problems, peer problems, etc. Peer Counselors do not give advice but attempt to help the struggling student come up with good solutions. The Peer Counselors are supervised by Mrs. Lisa Brown. This is a wonderful resource for students who prefer to speak to someone closer to their own age. If you have any questions about Clark Peer Counseling, please contact


School Psychologist-The school psychologist provides services at Clark four days a week. She works with both special education students and general education students in various capacities. The school psychologist is actively involved in the Student Study Team process, the Section 504 process, as well as many facts of the Individualized Education Program process. Specific services provided by the school psychologist include: crisis counseling, short-term individual counseling, student support groups, and consulting with both staff and parents on a variety of issues which may impact a student's education. To contact our school psychologist please email


SST (Student Study Team)- This is a committee comprised of regular education school personnel consisting of the school principal (or designee), student's classroom teacher, mentor teacher, and other school personnel, that review referrals of students that are exhibiting difficulties with regards to meeting academic goals. If you have any questions about the SST program please contact your students counselor.


WEB (Where Everybody Belongs)- WEB, which stands for "Where Everybody Belongs" is a middle school orientation and transition program that welcomes 6th/7th graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their middle school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, the program trains mentors from your 8th grade class to be WEB Leaders. As positive role models, WEB Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the 6th/7th graders to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to middle school and help facilitate 6th/7th grade success. If you have any questions about WEB, please contact