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Clark Intermediate

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


Band Staff

Clark Intermediate School Band and Percussion Programs

Marching Band – The Clark Marching Band is made up of students from all our band classes and represents our school at competitive band reviews, community parades, and other events. ALL band and percussion students are expected to participate in all community parades and events (Band Night at CHS Football, Red Ribbon parade, CUSD Band Night, Christmas Electric Light, and Rodeo Parade). It is not required to be in the 0 period Marching band PE. However, 0 period Marching band PE satisfies students PE requirement and enables students to take two electives during the school day. In addition, this is the only time students will gain a greater understanding of marching skills and get a head start on learning the advanced marching techniques they will need at Clovis High School.  Students will learn the music in our band classes, but all of the work on our visual performance will happen during 0 period. We encourage all students in the band/percussion program to take advantage of this offering.

Symphonic Band meets in room IA-8 and is under the direction of Mr. Watson.  This class is offered to students who already understand the basic foundation of their instrument and provides the opportunity to excel in their primary instrument.  This class consists of the most proficient wind and percussion students.  Audition or teacher recommendation is required of every musician for the entry of this ensemble. Students in this class are expected to audition for honor groups and to be on private lessons.

Concert Band – This ensemble is broken into two classes, Woodwinds and Brass. These courses are designed for 7th and 8th grade students who have no instrumental music experience or one to two years of experience on a woodwind or brass instrument. These two classes combine with the percussion class for performances.

Percussion Class - This course is designed for 7th and 8th grade students who have no percussion experience or one to two years of percussion experience. Percussion class combines with the Concert band woodwinds and brass for performances.

 Jazz Band - Students wanting to be in Jazz band must be enrolled in a 0 period or Lunch PE (preferably zero period Band PE) and sign-up for both a band, percussion, or orchestra class and jazz band must be their second elective. Students will learn to play their instruments in a regular band class and then learn to apply those skills to Jazz in this course.  

All courses are performance based and require mandatory participation at all performances. Curriculum focuses on the study of musical elements and concepts including rhythmic notation, pitch accuracy, tone production, technique, intonation, phrasing, articulations, dynamics, style, expression and interpretation.

Color Guard – 0 Period Marching Band PE and After School 

Fall Season Description (Aug-Nov): All Color Guard members will participate in the fall season color guard. This guard will compete as part of the marching band at various competitions and perform at all community events as well. 

Winter Season Description (Dec-March): During the winter guard season the guard competes without the band inside a gym. There are more after school practices during the winter guard season, it is highly competitive and is treated as a sport activity. 

Chamber Orchestra 

Chamber Orchestra takes place in room IA-8 and is directed by Mrs. Harris.  Students will participate in chamber playing and advanced concert string literature.  This class consists of the most proficient string students.  Audition is required of every musician for the entry of this ensemble. Students in this group are expected to audition for honor groups and to be on private lessons. 

Lower Voice Strings                                                                                                                                 

Lower Voice Strings is directed by Mrs. Harris.  Students will participate in concert string literature and will continue to work on developing their musical knowledge.  Lower voice strings will combine with upper voice strings for performances. Students in this group are encouraged to audition for honor groups and to be on private lessons. 

Upper Voice Strings                                                                                                                                

Upper Voice Strings is directed by Mrs. Harris. Students will participate in concert string literature and will continue to work on developing their musical knowledge. Upper voice strings will combine with lower voice strings for performances. Students in this group are encouraged to audition for honor groups and to be on private lessons.

Of Note…

All Instrumental Music Classes (Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Jazz Bands, Marching Band/PE, Orchestras, Color Guard) are graded courses, and carry full academic weight. Grades are based upon attitude, improvement, attendance (rehearsals & performances), private lessons, honor groups, and individual performance tests.