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Honor Roll Procedures
The Honor Roll acknowledges the distinguished scholars at Clark Intermediate School. The requirements reflect not only the student's academic achievement, but his/her work ethic and citizenship as well. All students eligible for placement on the Honor Roll must meet the following criteria:
Principal's Honor Roll
For those students who earn all A's (4.0 GPA). A certificate is presented to the student during fall/spring semester Academic Award Presentations.
High Honors
For those students who achieve at least a 3.5 GPA or better. A certificate is presented to the student by the Learning Director.
Honor Roll
For those students who achieve at least a 3.0 GPA. A certificate is presented to the student by the Learning Director.
Principal's Medallion Award
The Clark Intermediate Principal's Medallion Award is presented to the eighth grade students at the Principal's Medallion Awards Banquet. The award is given to those students with a weighted (Geometry as an 8th Grader and Algebra 1 as a 7th Grader) grade point average of 4.0 for the four (4) semesters of their seventh and eighth grade education.
CJSF and CSF (California Scholarship Federation)
Click here to view application
CJSF (California Junior Scholarship Federation)- The California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is an Honor Society whose purpose is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in California students in grades 7th and 8th. Clark Intermediate has formed a chapter of California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF). It is an honor service club to which one who qualifies must apply. Membership to CJSF is contingent on student
Academic progress. Counselor's will be reaching out to qualifying CJSF student's.
Application Procedure:
Qualifying Point System Qualifying Subject Areas | ||||||
A= 3 Point Language | ||||||
B= 1 Point History | ||||||
C = 0 Points Science | ||||||
D/F = Ineligible for CJSF** Math |
Types of Membership
CJSF Honor Member (Earn a CJSF Pin) = 3 or more qualifying semesters in 7th and 8th grade.
(Completed Application each semester REQUIRED)
CJSF Member (Earn a Certificate) = 2 or less qualifying semesters in 7th and/or 8th grade.
(Completed Application each semester REQUIRED)
Students please follow the instructions below to complete the application process.
Lifetime CJSF
Clark Intermediate students who qualify and apply for membership for three (3) semesters will be awarded the Honor Membership Pin at the Principals' Academic Awards at the end of the year.
Clark Block "C" Award
The Block "C" Award is a special end of the year award for the "all-around" scholar. The award is a tribute to the students at Clark Intermediate whose involvement reflects the spirit of the Clovis Sparthenian- working hard in Mind, Body and Spirit.
Students who wish to earn the Block " C" Award should follow the procedures:
Information regarding the application and important dates will be provided in the google classroom.
Information will be made available on our school website, through our AB block teachers and you can always contact your 7th and 8th grade team offices.
Sparthenian Recognition
Sparthenians are selected from both the seventh and eighth grades by their Team teachers/Learning Directors. Attendance at the Exemplary Student Luncheon acknowledges Sparthenians for their contribution/involvement in the development of mind, body and spirit. Parents of Sparthenian Award winners are invited to the luncheon at no cost. The student will bring notification informing parents of the date and time home.
Character Counts Award
Among all the other Character Education activities done during the school year, one class period a month is set-aside for Clark students to review the various pillars of the Character Counts Program. Teachers are asked to nominate a student who they feel best exemplifies the Character Counts Pillar that is being emphasized during that month. Nominees should be students who have exemplified that pillar not only in a particular instance but also on many different occasions. We want to honor those students who still exemplify character when no one is looking. The winners are honored at the Exemplary Student luncheons and then have their picture and name engraved on the Character Counts plaque that graces the hallway of the main office. Monthly Character Counts Pizza parties are for any student who turns in lost items of value to the team offices.
Student Recognition Luncheon
Teachers will choose students to be recognized who exhibit exemplary effort and achievement in their classrooms. Honorees have the pleasure of public recognition while their parents are present. The luncheon is free to all parents of students honored. Notification informing parents of the date and time will be brought home by the student.